Extensive work for Kanal İstanbul Project: Drilling at 304 points

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure announced that, in the period of 2011-2019, 33 scientific studies were conducted by around 200 academics and experts, for President Erdogan's, "dream" Kanal İstanbul. Environmental measurements were carried out at 97 locations for the project, and 17,000 meters of drilling was carried out at 304 points.

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has announced that comprehensive studies have been conducted for the Kanal İstanbul Project in different disciplines ranging from earthquake analysis to city-regional planning, from economy to cultural heritage, from ecology to traffic management.

The infographic was published on the Twitter account of the Ministry under the title "Kanal İstanbul in Numbers 2011-2019". The infographic included extensive information on the work carried out within the scope of the project in the said period. Accordingly, approximately 200 academicians and experts from Boğaziçi, Middle East Technical University, İstanbul Technical University, Gazi, Başkent, Atılım and Çankırı Karatekin universities were employed in 33 disciplines.

The fields of study are as follows:

"Hydraulics, geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, hydrology and surface basins, hydrogeology, hydrodynamics, water quality and sediment research, tsunami analysis, earthquake analysis, ship traffic analysis, traffic management plan, ship navigation simulation, operation model , wave model, landslide detection and prevention, construction management, urban zone planning and sociological impact assessment, economics, law, archeology, flora and fauna habitat, invertebrates, reptiles, bird species, mammals, inland water cultural heritage with fishes, marine biology, ecology, endemic and rare species, social research and surveys, waste management. "


Environmental measurement (heavy metal, dust, sediment, hydraulics and similar) at 97 locations, noise and vibration measurements at 15 locations and drilling at 17,000 meters (land, sea and lake) at 304 locations were carried out for Kanal İstanbul Project. Groundwater flow detection well was opened at 8 locations and hydrogeological observation well was opened at 17 locations.

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) opinions were received from 57 institutions and organizations and their participation was ensured. The project was also carried out laboratory experiments and simulations in Turkey and France.