The Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Kurums flash statement on Kanal İstanbul
The Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Murat Kurum, said, “As the Ministry, Kanal İstanbul Project is the most important one in our 100 days action plan. In this sense the real estates will be deed over in Istanbul; the 1/100.000 scaled plans for 43 km. long Kanal İstanbul, connecting Marmara to Black Sea; and the lower scaled plans will be made and following the bidding applications, our Ministry will work together with the Ministry of Transportation and the municipality”.
Çiğdem Karaaslan, vice president of environment, urbanization and culture of AKP; Tahir Akyürek, president of public works, development, transportation and tourism commission of TBMM; deputy ministers of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization; members of parliament; mayors of İstanbul, Ankara, Konya, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş; mayors of some county municipalities; academicians; representatives of NGO’s; representatives of the union of municipalities; authorized personnel from the municipality along with the minister Kurum attended to the “Conciliation of Development and Urban Transformation within the Zoning Law” meeting held at a hotel in Abant Natural Park of Bolu by the ministry of environment and urbanization.
In his keynote speech Minister Kurum said they come together consult the work within their ministry, the zoning law, urban transformation.
Kurum said the purpose of the meeting is to review the work on urbanization, discuss the details of field work, to not to repeat the mistakes again and consult the futures of the cities among with the mayors, members of parliament, NGO’s and academicians.